Be Grateful To Your Parents

Next to our creature, there are people called parents specially our father & mother. They loved us before we even exist or before they got us. Isn't it amazing??? They gave up their life to make ours better, go through a lot to keep us safe, protect us, always cared, work hard to fulfill our needs day & night, sacrifice their desires for ours sake, they do a lot than I can mention for us. 

Our mom & dad they just keep loving us till they die nomatter how we acted, nomatter how stubborn and be pain in the ass for them. They did everything for us without expecting nothing at all.

Through all the times, we didn't thank or appreciated them enough either because we were too young or too busy or just didn't find the words. Knowing they stood beside and for us or lived for us everyday, noticing the love and care but took it for granted. Well my friend its never too late to do anything, we never know when or how we lose them so better to choose today to atleast say "Thank you mom, Thank you dad for everything" 

Lets take a minute to be grateful to the mom & dad we have and let them know they are our world and our precious gifts we could never replace.

I am so grateful that I'm gifted with angels in person who brought me to earth next to God & never get tired of loving me as who I am. I would never imagine who I would have been without them. I love you mom & dad and so grateful for all the things u have done for me. You're my safest world❤️❤️❤️.


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