
One of the good things that makes us a human are challenges. They're always ahead of us making sure how strong & a fighter we could be. There is no one in this world living a challenge free life, everyone has its own things to fix or trying to get out of them. What determines is how good we are at accepting those life incidents & how are we handling them. 

Marthin Luther King jr. once said " The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands at the time of comfort and convenience. But where he stands at times of challenge & controversy." Couldn't agree more because most of us tend to have those negative feelings at times of challenges but having that same strength while we're at comfort can do a lot enduring or passing that situation. 

A challenge doesn't mean you are that person, for instance if we face failling challenges we consider ourselves a failure, but my friend there is no failure in this world unless who believed that. Challenges are meant to build us, make us grow, know our strengths that we never thought we had, makes us to think well or be concious, makes us respect one another. 

And one big truth they never stayed forever😁😁. They'll pass before we know it. Any challenge you are facing right now is meant to happen, embrace it, found out what you can do to handle it, take one step at a time on deciding getting help, don't be afraid or ashamed to share it, be concious at taking the lessons and be grateful because it made  you who you are today. Also remember What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 

I am so grateful for the challenges I'm facing, for those times I taught I couldn't do it anymore but got out strong, for those challanges that made me see my true self and for those obstacles that make me have a grateful heart & chosen one.


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