LIFE !!!

We human beings didn't exist accidently, but with a life of purpose to unfold. To live for, to experience and to share. Life is a journey full of surprises.....the good ones & the opposite. Don't just imagine the travel to always turn out for the good & better. Know how to balance the two with the power of gratitude. 

As we all know one common thing about life is there is no favour nomatter who we are, the journey is the same but how well we tried to live, how hard we crave for something we deserve, how far we can go to the better destination, how well we handled the bad & hard struggles aswell how awesome we tried to make Life beautiful determines how ones life was lived. 

Often we are so good at telling stories of how life is hard & full of impossible things. But if we really think about it there are million stories that could turn away all the hard ones, ways we could balance the difference, purposes to search for, beautiful creatures & things to be grateful for. Lets start by  turning that conversation with complaint into complements on how we can make it better, lets try to have eyes & hearts that see the beauty in everything. Lets say Yes to life & start the journey with bigger hopes to make the travel well lived. 

I am so happy to the life I have given, to the abandent experiences that I cherished most, to the gifts delivered without me deserving, to the journeys that bring the toughest Zedo, to the secrets of life that I'm always curious & still wondering whatelse to see and to all the beauty I've witnessed in different moments.


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