What are Values ๐Ÿค” ?

When you get the slightest moment to acknowledge yourself or to give a high five, do it fast๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ take that moment  to enjoy & to really listen yourself. So that you add the best quality you have to your self by knowing the very best thing you'll improve. And that way you would be able to learn appreciating others too the way you do to yourself. 

Accomplishing any task or anything you could think of, don't let that moment slip away without you taking notes of that value you have, which brought you success. Be happy on what you have done, motivate yourself to do more, ask yourself what to add, give a positive affirmations to you, value yourself, give love & respect to what you have, be grateful about every single beautiful idea of yours then know how to share those best blessings you're offered with. 

I've always loved the beautiful moments I've enjoyed, to the positive influences I've made to maself, to the values I developed through a lot of ups & downs, to the courage I have to do the things that seem to kill me & to the good spirit that keeps pushin my values to end up good.


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