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Always Greatful For The Things Arround You !

Most of the time we forgot to appreciate what we have in our lives & we end up looking for what we don't or couldn't find. So we waste our precious energy & time looking for what we  shouldnt't chase. And meanwhile, somewhere someone is dying or struggling eachday to have what we stoped appreciating.  There is a saying that says "count your blessings more than your problems." so easy way to put it to look after what is given to you than what u wish or what u thought u have. Be still & notice what you have is enough and stop looking for more. Think of those who have nothing conpared to you but who are grateful. I ain't saying stop wishing a lot or do not work hard to have more coz thats part of life and its okey to wish for better things, But to not accept what we have is enough is a huge disease to let go and start being grateful that we're able to have what we have.  I am grateful to all the things I have things that I don't even deserve t

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